Remote working from Spain

Wondering what this means for your business and staff?

We offer business consultancy and full 1:1 relocation services to explain everything you need to know and implement it.

Flexible working improves staff retention, wellbeing, and productivity. You probably know all that. (If you need a refresher or have someone to convince, here is a fact sheet).

Next, you need to understand the practicalities, costs, and financial implications—and that’s where we come in. From payroll and tax to pensions and employment law, we’ve got you covered.

Our business client package explains it all.

Living in Spain Means

  • People eating a mediterranean diet have been proved to live longer
  • Being in a more relaxed, peaceful environment has been proven to be healthier
  • Flexible working gives a better work/life balance and staff loyalty

Each business and team member is unique, which is why we provide tailored solutions that align with your company culture. Our business client package offers the clarity and confidence you need to determine if remote working in Spain is the right choice for your business. You’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the financial and practical implications for both the company and your team members.

Business Client Package

Our Business Client Package is tailored for UK-based businesses, leveraging our in-depth knowledge of the UK tax and payroll system.

Allowing staff to work from Spain can be similar to letting them work from home in some ways, but vastly different in others. That’s why our comprehensive report covers financial costs for both the business and staff member, visa requirements, and salary parity.

If you choose to implement flexible working in Spain, we can assist with finding homes, ensuring staff wellbeing, and bridging the gap between the Spanish way of life and your usual business practices.

Relocation packages

Business consultancy at an affordable price of €1500 + IVA (Spanish equivalent of VAT)

What You Get

  • An initial discovery call to learn about your needs
  • Up to three additional video calls with your key stakeholders
  • A comprehensive, detailed report with financial analysis
  • Ongoing email support

We engage with all stakeholders—C Suite, HR, finance, and customer success—to understand your work preferences and address any concerns. If you have team members considering a move to Spain (short-term or long-term), we can speak with them as well.

Our report includes a thorough breakdown of costs, potential challenges (with solutions where possible), benefits, and recommendations for next steps.

Implementation packages are available in addition to assist your team members moving to Spain and settling in. From visa to finding a home to feeling connected.

The customer is always right...

We wanted to be sure that flexible working in Spain would work for both the business and our team. We love the support you gave us.
by MM
Finding the rules is possible, understanding the practicalities seemed impossible. We’re so glad to have found you.
by Graham
Helen explained things so clearly. We now understand the implications fully and can make an informed decision.
by Carol

How It Works

Idea | Explore | Implement

Check In Stage

Make Your Dream Happen

We offer:

If you decide to offer remote working opportunities in Spain to your team, we can assist with their relocation, whether short-term or long-term. For more details on our relocation services, click here to view our Private Clients Package. Discounts are available for multiple relocation bookings.

Hi I’m Helen and I’m the founder of Ideal Casa. I love to organise and support people through major life changes and decision making. As a former insurance broker I know how to find out what causes people sleepless nights and then to restore the balance by finding answers and back up plans. As a coach and therapist I understand that how we feel and where we live has a significant impact on our energy and health. As someone who chose to move from suburbia to the Spanish countryside I understand how peace, tranquility and a sense of community is life changing. It has been for me.

So Ideal Casa was set up to create a professional relocation and estate agency service. We are fee based so are always working for you, the client, never chasing a commission. This aids peace of mind on your part and brings relocation into the 21st century. We do way more than property, we support people. Nothing pleases me more than seeing the faces of people as they receive the keys of their new home and sink into the sofa, drink in hand and their shoulders relax and their face breaks into a glorious smile, comfortable in their

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Design Your Package Today

30 minute call and pay deposit of €250

It really is as good as this!

What’s included

  • Visa advice
  • Tax and Healthcare
  • Salary review
  • How Spain works
  • Legal overview

What’s not included

  • Actual relocation costs
  • Additional legal costs

Just €250 to secure your place

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