Spanish life

Managing Visits from Family and Friends: Strategies for Setting Boundaries and Maintaining Well-being

Managing Visits from Family and Friends: Strategies for Setting Boundaries and Maintaining Well-being   Moving to Spain can turn you into unexpected hosts, as family and friends may see it as an opportunity for free holidays. This situation can lead to challenges, including invasion of personal space, increased living costs, and the stress of constantly entertaining guests.   Here’s how...

Is Driving Different in Spain?

Driving and parking in Spain You would think that driving would be similar all over the world but it isn’t.  You will know this if you have been to Paris or London or India.   The culture seems to impact the driving.  Spain is renowned for being hot headed and passionate in many ways and also the manana culture where nothing happens quickly.  So two sides of the same coin with little moderation...

How to Cope Emotionally when considering moving abroad

Emotional Considerations Before Relocating to Spain   Deciding to move to a new country like Spain is a pivotal life decision that can evoke a wide range of emotions. As you contemplate relocation, it's natural to experience feelings of grief, excitement, fear, and guilt. Understanding and managing these emotions are key to preparing yourself for the transition and ensuring a smoother...

Going Postal – why getting letters and parcels may be different in Spain

So many things are different to where you came from.  Post and parcel deliveries are one of these for anyone living outside of a large town anyway. If you live in a large town or city or are planning to do so then this article is not for you. Did you get the Terry Pratchett reference?  Hello to fellow discworld lovers if you did.  If you didn’t and like comedic books about wizards and witches...

How to Deal with Nerves When Deciding to Move to Spain

How do you feel about your move to Spain? Making the decision to move to Spain is exciting, but it’s perfectly natural if you also feel nervous about such a significant life change. Whether you’re worried about the logistics, adapting to a new culture, or the impact on your personal relationships, these feelings are valid. Here are some practical tips to help you manage your nerves and approach your...

Electric and water is not so simple in Spain

Connecting Electricity and Water - don’t get conned If you live in UK, USA or Europe the chances are that your electric is there whenever you flick a switch and your water there whenever you turn on the tap.  Electric and water are a constant, all you have to do is pay the bill.  Buy or rent a new house you know that in 99.9% of cases there will be electric and water already installed and...

Outdoor Living – what can I do?

What can I do in Spain - Active Outdoor Living Building a lifestyle that suits you is very important when moving to Spain.  It is much easier to settle in, to meet new friends and to feel content if you are enjoying life.  Part of that might be to have more time to pursue outdoor living in an active way.    One of the really really good things about Spain is the weather.  You walk or run hardly...

What Happens to my UK state pension if I move overseas?

Thinking of moving overseas, or perhaps you already have, what happens to your state pension exactly? Moving overseas before you reach state pension age often makes you think about your finances.  Now may be fine but what about when you plan to stop work and enjoy your retirement?  That’s when you want your pension to kick in and support you. So, what does happen to your pension if you...

How to make moving to Spain a success

You might wonder if everyone who moves to Spain loves it.  Does everyone fulfill their dream.  The honest answer is no.  Moving to Spain is not for everyone, some make the move and find out afterwards.  By reading this article you will get a headstart in deciding if moving to Spain is for you, before you spend any money. So how do you make moving to Spain a success I hear you ask. All about the...

Is it really cheaper to live in Spain?

Lee reached his hand into his pocket, he only found a few coins yet had to pay for a few beers.  Fingers twitching and curling round those coins he brought them out and handed them over.   A moment later the bar man handed him his change.  Lee felt the now familiar feeling of proudness fill his chest.   Only a month ago the same round would have needed notes not coins.  Now that he...

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