Spanish life

How to make moving to Spain a success

You might wonder if everyone who moves to Spain loves it.  Does everyone fulfill their dream.  The honest answer is no.  Moving to Spain is not for everyone, some make the move and find out afterwards.  By reading this article you will get a headstart in deciding if moving to Spain is for you, before you spend any money. So how do you make moving to Spain a success I hear you ask. All about the...

Is it really cheaper to live in Spain?

Lee reached his hand into his pocket, he only found a few coins yet had to pay for a few beers.  Fingers twitching and curling round those coins he brought them out and handed them over.   A moment later the bar man handed him his change.  Lee felt the now familiar feeling of proudness fill his chest.   Only a month ago the same round would have needed notes not coins.  Now that he...

How to cope in the heat

How to cope with living in a hot climate   Here in Andalucia Spain it regularly gets to be 40 odd degrees centigrade.  Seville and Cadiz areas are some of the hottest in Spain.  There it will be 40+ for large swathes of the year.  Here in Inland Almeria it's 4-6 weeks of 35 plus.   Those are shade temperatures of course. Any thermometer in the Sun cannot show you an accurate...

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